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Tour the Archives before you visit
The Archives Video Tour offers a preview of what you’ll find in our Archives. Watch it now.
Read our Echo Newsletters
The Altadena Historical Society publishes The Echo, a twice-yearly newsletter that highlights upcoming programs, articles of local historical interest, donations to the archives, research requests and society activities. Read or download PDFs of current and past issues dating from 2009 by clicking on the date of the issue listed in the left column.
Ride on the Mount Lowe Railway
With a grant from Southern California Edison, we were able to digitize a wide array of images from Mount Lowe that tell its story over the years.
The Disneyland of its day, Mount Lowe Railway drew visitors from all over the nation and the world to little Altadena, a small town below the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. Its story is not only a history of the resort itself; it is also a microcosm of America from the late 1800s to just before World War II. All aboard!
Access Tim Rutt’s Altadenablog
We maintain the archive of journalist Tim Rutt’s popular blog (2007 to 2015) a digital community news source that provided a valuable resource for Altadenans, especially during the Station Fire of 2009. Read the blog.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel
We record our programs and events so you can see them at your leisure. Subscribe so you don’t miss a thing.